Mar 12, 2006

Mar 01, 2019 How Do I Find the DNS Server Used By My PC? - Ask Leo! Apr 15, 2020 How to Find Your Primary & Secondary DNS | Your Business To find your computer's preferred and alternate DNS address, use the Windows command prompt. Step 1 Press "Windows key-R" to open the Run tool on your computer. Type "cmd" into the box and click Find your DNS host - Rackspace Find the DNS host. Go to and search for your domain. In the search results, the section labeled Name Servers shows the location of your DNS host. If any of the following server names are listed in the Name Servers section for your domain, Rackspace is most likely your DNS host and can assist you with editing your DNS records

Jan 24, 2018

How to Check your current DNS Server (Windows | macOS Oct 01, 2017 How do I find my DNS Server number | AT&T Community Forums Nov 07, 2015

The DNS uses a hierarchical model. At a certain level, each APPLICATION could use it’s own implementation of a DNS client and therefore it’s own primary (and maybe secondary) DNS servers. (Fortunately, most DON’T go to that extreme - but web brows

How to find your (Ip adress + dns server) - YouTube