Edward Snowden in a video conference with John Perry Barlow, co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, New York, June 5, 2014. Midway through Citizenfour, Laura Poitras’s inside-story documentary about Edward Snowden’s disclosure of mass surveillance by the National Security Agency, the camera captures Snowden wrestling with an errant cowlick.

Computer and network surveillance is the monitoring of computer activity and data stored on a hard drive, or data being transferred over computer networks such as the Internet.This monitoring is often carried out covertly and may be completed by governments, corporations, criminal … Jennifer Granick | Center for Internet and Society Granick’s work is well-known in privacy and security circles. Her keynote, "Lifecycle of a Revolution" for the 2015 Black Hat USA security conference electrified and depressed the audience in equal measure.In March of 2016, she received Duo Security’s Women in Security Academic Award for her expertise in the field as well as her direction and guidance for young women in the security industry. Surveillance, Privacy and Digital Citizenship (“The Video and Slides for Wes Fryer’s November 19, 2016 TEDx Talk in Enid, Oklahoma: “Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State” (More info about TedXWallerMiddleSchool); Podcast episode 28 from 9 November 2016; TEDxWallerMiddleSchool presentation outline by Wes (19 Nov 2016, Enid, Oklahoma); ISTE 2017 session proposal (notified December 2016, not accepted for a June 2017)

Support strong state regulation on facial surveillance

In 2014, following several instances of privacy breaches by government authorities, the South Asia Human Rights Documentation Centre wrote that the “Indian state's agencies' relentless surveillance of citizens and censorship show[s] an alarming contempt towards issues of privacy.” Particularly, the organisation was concerned about the Nov 18, 2014 · A tough task since George Orwell‘s 1984 is a long-time reality online and surveillance is all around us. We don’t like it, but still we log on to Facebook and Google, myself included. But now “The fact that technology now allows an individual to carry such information in his hand does not make the information any less worthy of the protection for which the Founders fought.”—U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in Riley v. California (2014)Technological innovation has outpaced our privacy protections. As a result, our digital footprint can be tracked by the government

1.3 This essay would surround different issues in relation to a surveillance society such as individual privacy, data protection, laws that provide for data protection, different forms of surveillance and surveillance technologies with a view to providing some clarity regarding the concerns of the commissioner on the concept of a surveillance

Jul 09, 2020 · Follow privacy by design standards: The draft must prescribe strict compliance of privacy by design standards for the manufacturers of drones, as laid down in the draft drone policy 2.0, which was