CHROME Anyone else having "Resolving Host" slowness

Feb 27, 2016 Google Chrome ''Resolving Host'' Solved - Windows 7 Help Dec 18, 2014 How to Fix Resolving Host Problem in Google Chrome? Add IP Address & Domain Name in the Hosts File. Hosts file contains network settings such as domain names, DNS resolutions and IP Addresses. Host problem occurs due to misconfigurations in the Hosts file. Open up Hosts file with Notepad. Add the IP Address and Website Name in the end. Save the changes and restart your PC for the changes to take

RESOLVING HOST - Google Chrome Community

dns - Windows hosts file not working - Stack Overflow

I need to add a custom IP host line to the hosts file: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. I tried adding this: models.db. When I save the file and try to ping the host, the browser cannot find it. I tried using the command line to add read-only to the hosts file -- same result. I tried flushing the DNS cache, but nothing

hosts (file) - Wikipedia